פרשה מו
רמז פא
ביאור המלות
חלק ו: ויהי אברם בן תשעים שנה ותשע שנים וגו׳ (יז, א) עד וירא אליו (יח, א)
ביאור דברי הסיפור
והנה התועלות המגיעים מזה הסיפור הם ארבעה:
רמז פב
פרשה מז
בראשית יז – נוסח המקרא מבוסס על מהדורת מקרא על פי המסורה (CC BY-SA 3.0), המבוססת על כתר ארם צובה וכתבי יד נוספים (רשימת מקורות וקיצורים מופיעה כאן), בתוספת הדגשת שוואים נעים ודגשים חזקים ע"י על־התורה, מקבילות במקרא בראשית יז, מוני המצוות בראשית יז, עולם המקרא בראשית יז, תורה שלמה בראשית יז – באדיבות משפחת המחבר, הרב מנחם מענדל כשר זצ"ל. המהדורה הדיגיטלית הוכנה על ידי על־התורה ונועדה ללימוד אישי בלבד; כל הזכויות שמורות, וכל שימוש אחר אסור.
Bereshit 17 – Dedicated in loving memory of
Miriam & Bernard Hochstein z"l
Translated and annotated by Neima Novetsky (all rights reserved), Biblical Parallels Bereshit 17, Mitzvot Links Bereshit 17, Olam HaMikra Bereshit 17, Torah Shelemah Bereshit 17, Targum Onkelos Bereshit 17 – alhatorah.org revised translation (all rights reserved) using Metsudah Chumash (Metsudah Publications, 2009) (CC BY-NC 4.0) translation, Parshegen Bereshit 17, Targum Yerushalmi (Neofiti) Bereshit 17, Targum Yerushalmi (Yonatan) Bereshit 17 – Translated by J. W. Etheridge, The Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan Ben Uzziel on the Pentateuch with the Fragments of the Jerusalem Targum from the Chaldee (London, 1862), Targum Yerushalmi (Fragmentary) Bereshit 17 – Translated by J. W. Etheridge, The Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan Ben Uzziel on the Pentateuch with the Fragments of the Jerusalem Targum from the Chaldee (London, 1862), Bereshit Rabbah Sectioned Bereshit 17, Tanchuma Sectioned Bereshit 17 – Translated by Samuel A. Berman, An English Translation of Genesis and Exodus, Ktav Publishing House (New Jersey, 1996) (CC BY 3.0), Tanchuma (Buber) Sectioned Bereshit 17 – Translated by John T. Townsend, Midrash Tanhuma: Translated into English with Introduction, Indices, and Brief Notes (New Jersey, 1989–2003) (CC BY 3.0), Bereshit Rabbati Bereshit 17, Midrash Aggadah (Buber) Bereshit 17, Yalkut Shimoni Bereshit 17, R. Saadia Gaon Tafsir Arabic Bereshit 17, R. Saadia Gaon Tafsir Hebrew Translation Bereshit 17, R. Saadia Gaon Commentary Bereshit 17, R. Saadia Gaon Commentary Arabic Bereshit 17, R. Chananel Bereshit 17, Rashi Bereshit 17 – Translated by M. Rosenbaum and A.M. Silberman, Pentateuch With Targum Onkelos, Haphtaroth and Rashi's Commentary (London, 1929-1934), Lekach Tov Bereshit 17, Seikhel Tov Bereshit 17, R. Yosef Kara Bereshit 17, Rashbam Reconstructed Bereshit 17, Ibn Ezra First Commentary Bereshit 17 – Translated and annotated by Rabbi Chaim (H. Norman) Strickman and Arthur M. Silver (Menorah Publications, 1988–2004) (CC-BY-NC 4.0), Ibn Ezra Lexical Commentary Bereshit 17, Rambam Likkut Bereshit 17, R. Yosef Bekhor Shor Bereshit 17 – 1:1 – 2:3 – translated and annotated by Rabbi Yaakov Thompson, 2:4 – 9:13 – translated and annotated by Prof. Meir (Marty) Lockshin, 9:14 – 50:26 – translated by Jessie Fischbein and edited by Neima Novetsky for alhatorah.org (all rights reserved), Radak Bereshit 17 – Translated by Rabbi Eliyahu Munk, HaChut HaMeshulash (Jerusalem – New York, 2003) (CC BY 3.0), Rid Bereshit 17, Chizkuni Bereshit 17 – Translated by Rabbi Eliyahu Munk, Torah Commentary: Chizkuni (New York, 2013) (CC BY 3.0), Paneach Raza Bereshit 17, Kitzur Paneach Raza Bereshit 17, Ramban Bereshit 17 – Translated and annotated by Charles B. Chavel, Shilo Publishing House, (New York, 1971-1976) (CC BY 3.0), R. Bachya Bereshit 17 – Translated by Rabbi Eliyahu Munk, Torah Commentary by Rabbi Bachya ben Asher (Jerusalem – New York, 1998) (CC BY 3.0), Minchat Yehuda Bereshit 17, Hadar Zekeinim Bereshit 17, Daat Zekeinim Bereshit 17 – Translated by Rabbi Eliyahu Munk (Jerusalem – New York, 2015) (CC BY 3.0), Attributed to Rosh Bereshit 17, Tur Long Commentary Bereshit 17 – Translated by Rabbi Eliyahu Munk, Tur on the Torah (Jerusalem – New York, 2005) (CC BY 3.0), Tur Short Commentary Bereshit 17, Moshav Zekeinim Bereshit 17, R. Yosef ibn Kaspi Bereshit 17, Ralbag Beur HaMilot Bereshit 17, Ralbag Beur HaParashah Bereshit 17, Ralbag Toalot Bereshit 17, Akeidat Yitzchak Peirush Bereshit 17, R. Eliyahu Mizrachi Bereshit 17, Abarbanel Bereshit 17, Tzeror HaMor Bereshit 17, Sforno Bereshit 17 – Translated by Rabbi Eliyahu Munk, HaChut HaMeshulash (Jerusalem – New York, 2003) (CC BY 3.0), Shiurei Sforno Bereshit 17, Toledot Aharon Bereshit 17, Gur Aryeh Bereshit 17, Keli Yekar Bereshit 17, Minchat Shai Bereshit 17, Siftei Chakhamim Bereshit 17 – Sifsei Chachomim Chumash, Metsudah Publications, 2009 (CC BY 3.0), Melekhet Machshevet Bereshit 17, Or HaChayyim Bereshit 17 – Translated by Rabbi Eliyahu Munk, Or HaChayim: Commentary on the Torah (Jerusalem – New York, 1995) (CC BY 3.0), R. N.H. Wessely Bereshit 17, HaRekhasim Levik'ah Bereshit 17, R. Y.S. Reggio Bereshit 17, HaKetav VeHaKabbalah Bereshit 17, Shadal Bereshit 17 – Translated and annotated by Daniel A. Klein and reproduced here with the generous permission of the publisher, Kodesh Press (all rights reserved). Hard copies can be purchased here. The translation of the Biblical text is an English translation of Shadal's original Italian translation., R. S.R. Hirsch Bereshit 17, Malbim Bereshit 17 – Translated by Rabbi Zvi Faier z"l, with the gracious permission of Mr. Emanuel Polak, owner of MP Press, and Rabbi Faier's family (all rights reserved), Netziv Bereshit 17, Hoil Moshe Bereshit 17, Em LaMikra Bereshit 17, R. David Zvi Hoffmann Bereshit 17, Meshekh Chokhmah Bereshit 17, Torah Temimah Bereshit 17