Ye that fear the Lord, praise Him; All ye of the seed of Jacob, glorify Him – So shall they say in the time of their deliverance. The interpretation of ye that fear the Lord is "ye of Israel," and this division is like "Ye that fear the Lord, bless ye the Lord"
(Ps. 135:20); "house of Levi"
(ibid.); "house of Aaron"
(ibid. 19); "house of Israel"
(ibid.). The reason is that each separate one is mentioned according to its gradation and significance, and according to its relative nearness to God. Notice also that in this verse he mentions love and fear, for "glory" is equivalent to love, and those that fear the Lord from fear will attain to love.
And stand in awe of Him, all ye seed of Israel – i.e. those who have not yet attained to love. In the Haggadic interpretation (Shoher Tod, with a slight verbal alteration) (it is said): "Rabbi Joshua ben Levi says: Ye that fear the Lord – these are the fearers of Heaven; Rabbi Samuel bar Nahmani says: These are proselytes of righteousness in the age to come. Our Rabbis say: The fearers of the Lord are the priests, all the seed of Jacob are the Levites, and all the seed of Israel is to be understood literally."