(3-6) 1Facing the twenty cubits, this phrase harkens back to
opposite the vacant space2 (Ezekiel 42:1)…
and facing the pavement, harkens back to
facing the structure (Ezekiel 42:1), as though to say, that (part) that was
facing the pavement of the outer court, also faced the areas that were mentioned above,
3 towards the sides of the gates of the outer courtyard; areas facing areas.
(The complex rose) ledge by ledge (in three tiers)4: The
ledge of this one from before the
ledge of the (next) one.
In three (tiers): their higher ones, for that’s where the ledges were, as it will make clear below.
5 Now, with regard to the ledges (their construction and function in context
6) — their context will explain them below,
7 as much as the mind can discern. For with regard to a word that has no cognate, and which you can understand from its function in context, why cast your eyes to the ends of the earth!?
8 Its context indicates its meaning. Behold, Scripture has informed you
9 the width of the rooms in the outer court and in the inner court, and the length that they had from east to west in the inner court, one-hundred cubits. And now it will relate to you their lengths from east to west in the outer court.
10 (As to the word)
11 its context will instruct about it,
12 as (Scripture) says,
because ledges took away from them, thus you are forced to admit that it is a thing that enters
13 into the depth of the building (‘s construction), and detracts (from its actual dimensions), and it rests upon it. There is also something about its meaning with respect to height and its upward removal from the ground, as in
Ancient (Daniel 7:13);
He moved on from there to the hill country (Genesis 12:8);
and let not arrogance upwardly rise from your mouth (1 Samuel 2:3).
14 So does (the context) of
that is why it (the upper chamber) is withdrawn…from the ground. And all of its height slants and rises towards the entrance, and then diminishes…
15 This explanation was hinted to me in a dream, for out of great distress with which I was distressed to discover the contextual meaning (of the word), I nodded off with my book open before me.
16 And I saw (in my dream) and, behold, a man gave into my hands a scroll to read. And at the top of the third column, it was written: the future “ledges” are extensions
17 and olive trees. And I would explain that as: the future “ledges” that are written (in Ezekiel’s account) of the future Temple are extensions and balconies of olive trees and pine trees.
18 Also the words of our rabbis will be established, who said “(The wall around the Women’s Courtyard)
19 was originally smooth (with no extensions from it) but later a balcony was built around it.” All of this I expounded in my dream.
1. I incorporate elements of Rabbi Eliezer’s comments on these verses together, inasmuch as they function as an extended gloss on the difficult Hebrew word אתיק, atik; throughout, I have adopted NJPS “ledge,” particularly since it more or less comports with Rabbi Eliezer’s interpretation. See Walther Zimmerli, “Ezekiel 2: A Commentary on the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel, Chapters 25–48,” (Hermeneia. James D. Martin, trans.; Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1983), 382, note c.
2. So NJPS; RSV suggests “the temple yard.”
3. I.e., the ones mentioned in Ezekiel 40:17–18.
4. So NJPS. For a lucid explanation, see Zimmerli (1983), 398.
5. I.e., in Ezekiel 42:5.
6. Again, the term of choice for Rabbi Eliezer is שיטת עניינם, shittat ‘inyanam, literally, “the mode of their matter.” We have seen that the northern French rabbinic exegetes use the term shittah to express the modus of an aspect of biblical composition (that is, “how” a matter was expressed or functioned) whereas to express an understanding of sensus (the contextual sense, that is, “what” something meant), they employed several terms, among them peshat/peshuto, mashma’ and ‘inyan. Here, Rabbi Eliezer has combined terms from each “category.” As he makes clear, below, he found the form and function of these passages from Ezekiel nearly intractable, and eventually hit on a solution only while dreaming!
7. In Ezekiel 42:5–6.
8. I.e., don’t be a fool; see Proverbs 17:26.
9. In Ezekiel 42:2.
10. I.e., in Ezekiel 42:4.
11. The remainder of this comment is found in the commentary on Ezekiel 42:5–6.
12. Phrases such as these abound among all of the northern French rabbinic exegetes, Rabbi Eliezer among them. It is a formula that emphasizes the importance of context in determining meaning. See Harris (2009), 312–15.
13. This is Rabbi Eliezer’s en passant gloss of the Biblical Hebrew word meaning “consumes,” that is, the ledges “eat away” at the dimensions of the building’s depth by extending out from it.
14. The status of these verses as prooftexts for Rabbi Eliezer is not as clear as he might have hoped. Thus, in Daniel, the Aramaic word for “ancient” is עתיק, ‘atiq, thus appearing to be related to the elusive term from Ezekiel (אתיק, atiq; one similar letter distinguishes them from each other, see the following footnote). However, the broader context of the verse from Daniel does “help” him, since in the vision Daniel relates, “As I looked on…One like a human being came with the clouds of heaven,” thus causing Daniel to cast his eyes in an upward sweep. In Genesis, Abraham moved on (ויעתק, va-ye’etaq) to the hill country, likewise an upward movement. Finally, in Samuel, a literal translation of Hannah’s prayer in 2:3 might be rendered, “Do not increase speech higher, higher/may it not escape, that high talk (עתק, ‘ataq), from your mouth”; thus, for Rabbi Eliezer, each of these verses help him to establish the meaning of the difficult word. Again, see below.
15. At this point, as he had just done, Rabbi Eliezer points to words in two additional biblical verses (
Isaiah 19:10 and
Job 33:24) in which the Hebrew letters א,
aleph, and ע,
‘ayin, may interchange in Biblical Hebrew. A perusal of northern French rabbinic commentaries on these verses indicates that both Rabbi Eliezer and other exegetes make similar observations there. This insight helps him to explain the word אתיק,
atiq, that has so troubled him in this extended passage from Ezekiel 42. By reading it as עתיק,
‘atiq, instead, Rabbi Eliezer gains support for his explanation that the word means “something removed from” or “extending outward” from something else.
16. Literally, “I slumbered on the book.”
17. This is a word that Rabbi Eliezer presumably gets from the Aramaic Targum.
18. See Nehemiah 8:15.
19. Mishna Middot 2:5. The subject of this particular Mishna paragraph is the Woman’s Courtyard, and it begins with the observations that “its area was one hundred and thirty five cubits by thirty five cubits. And there were four chambers in its four corners each forty cubits (in length) and they did not have a roof. And this is the way they will be in the future” (i.e., in the future “Third Temple,” which is what the rabbinic Sages call Ezekiel’s visionary, never-built Temple).