ויעשו את הכתנות שש......ואת המצנפת שש, ואת פארי המגבעות שש, ואת מכנסי הבד שש משזר. "They made the tunics of linen and the turban of linen, and the splendid headdresses of linen and the linen breeches of twisted linen." These two verses contain the word שש meaning linen, five times, and the word בד which also means linen once, making a total of six times that the material "linen" is repeated here. Whereas the word did have to be mentioned once, the other five times it has been mentioned are meant to convey additional information, allegorical or otherwise. The sages in Yoma 71 offer a number of additional insights based on the repetitions of these words. One of the insights they offered is that בד and שש both mean "linen," seeing that the tunic had been described as made of בד in Leviticus 16,4. The expression בד for linen describes the manner in which flax (the raw material for linen) grows out of the ground in long strands, fibers. This plant is identical to the one known as פשתים. The reason the Torah refers to it as שש, i.e. "six" is because the strands used to weave it consist of six threads spun together. Had the word occurred only one extra time, we would have thought that though it is preferable that these strands consist of six threads each, this is not mandatory. The repetition of the word another time means that this kind of six-fold strand is mandatory.